Like any other piece of equipment, a paperfolding machine requires regular maintenance and cleaning. In order tokeep your paper folder in excellent condition, you need to make surethat you maintain it. Here are seven tips for maintaining your paperfolder or paper folding machine.
Before cleaning yourpaper folding machine, be sure to turn the power off and unplug thepower cord from the outlet. If the unit is not unplugged from the wall,it can be extremely dangerous. Whenever using a paper folding machineit is essential to ensure that clothing, fingers and jewelry are keptaway from the moving parts. When the unit is not in use,put the machine cover in place to prevent dust, paper particles, etc.from accumulating on the fold rollers. When dust accumulates on thefold rollers the paper
yarn winding machinewill not feed as efficiently often leading topaper jams. If paper particles, dust, ink, etc.accumulate on the fold rollers; it may cause the paper to foldimproperly. Clean the rollers periodically to prevent this occurrence.The best way to clean the fold rollers is to use a gentle solution ofsoap and water to wipe down the rollers and remove any dust or debrisfrom the rollers. This may require removing the paper rollers from thefolding machine. However, some paper folders are designed to allowusers to remove the rollers and others are not. If you machine is notdesigned to allow easy removal of the rollers (without tools) it isbest not to remove the rollers. If paper particles, dust,ink, etc. accumulate on either the paper feed rubber roller or thepaper separator, paper feed performance deteriorates, causing paper toslip and possibly jam. Clean the rubber
dyeing machineroller and separatorperiodically to prevent this occurrence. Again, the use of soap andwater is the simplest way to accomplish this. Periodically clean the paper feed tires to prevent marking.Consumableproducts include: Paper feed rubber roller, rubber brake, and paperfeed separator. After considerable use these parts will eventually wearout and need to be replaced. You will know that the rollers need to bereplaced when they become cracked and look worn or when they becomeworn smooth and are no longer efficient in grabbing paper (after theyhave been cleaned).
Even if you regularly maintain your paper folder, it is still possibleto have difficulties. If you have cleaned all the rollers, replacedworn consumable parts and still have problems then you may need tocontact a qualified technician and have your folder looked at.